Adding confidence to knowledge

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Ludwika Aniela Goodson
Don Slater
Yvonne Zubovic


This paper reviews knowledge surveys as a best practice in assessment and illustrates how this assessment tool was used to compare teaching methods and its value to students during a 5-year study. The goal was to improve assessment, active learning, and course design. On each survey, students rated a type of confidence known as self-efficacy before and after instruction, used the survey as a study guide during instruction, and rated its value at the end of the course. Results showed gains in self-efficacy (p<.001), high value for the survey experience, and differences in scores across teaching methods (p<.001).


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How to Cite
Goodson, L. A., Slater, D., & Zubovic, Y. (2014). Adding confidence to knowledge. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 15(1), 20–37.
Author Biographies

Ludwika Aniela Goodson, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne

Instructional Consultant and Designer, Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching Work Samples: Book Contribution: Content for matching strategies to outcomes in Nilson’s Chapter 11, Teaching at Its Best, 3rd edition, pp. 108-111, 345. Report: Research and author: Priorities for evaluating instructional materials. Available from

Don Slater, Georgia Southern University

Professor, Department of Construction Management & Civil Engineering

Yvonne Zubovic, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne

Associate Professor, Mathematical Science, Department of Mathematics


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