Preparing students for studying abroad

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Federica Goldoni


Abstract: This study is situated in the fields of language education, study abroad (SA) and intercultural communication. The interest in SA is increasing on the part of students, administrators, educators, and business companies. However, SA students are not always prepared to maximize their learning opportunities at the foreign site, to effectively interact with locals, to develop cultural awareness, and to respond to challenging situations occurring abroad. This article suggests preparatory activities and projects, including exercises on students’ own identity as a powerful construct impacting their SA experiences. University officials and international education offices face the challenge to rethink the SA experience at their institution, focus on what learners need to take home from SA, and implement practices that are the truly effective to prepare student to become global citizens. Our fast-changing multicultural societies need translingually and transculturally competent language speakers who can function as informed interlocutors in contact with host communities.


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How to Cite
Goldoni, F. (2015). Preparing students for studying abroad. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 15(4), 1–20.


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